You might be thinking what I am saying or whats so strange about this news, so let me explain a bit about search engine optimization.
You all know that internet is now occupied with billions of websites and blogs. There is a tough competition between all these websites/blogs to make it to the "first page on google" You can observe that whenever you search for something in a search engine like Google, Google shows only 10 websites on its first page. By first page I mean when you search something in google, google finds 1000 matches to your query and shows only the first 10 matches on its main page, the rest of matches can be viewed on other pages by clicking "Next" link. Look at this picture below for better understanding,
TECfun could appear on page 2, 3, 4, or even page 10.......but it appeared on page1
out of 439 websites that had the same title "TECfun" Look below,
You might have observed this popularity of TECfun by comments from foreign visitors on the post "Learn how to increase your computer speed"
I understand that some of you may not like foreign visits because it interrupts our privacy and I fully support this point. I created TECfun as a platform where we can share ups and downs of our lives with one another. Its indeed a sweet feeling when we read each others comments and remain up to date with each others activities. I will keep TECfun as a separate blog dedicated to you guys only. Inorder to publish my posts on Technological tips and tricks I have created a sperate blog and will publish it soon. I am sure you guys will like that one too. For the time being I am keeping that blog private and will let you know whenever I am done with it. That blog will be a great source of education for people addicted to hacks and tweeks.
Me leaving now and will be back soon, but you guys plzzz plzzz at least comment once in two weeks.
Dude how come you do that! Whats your google page rank?
Mine appears on third page :(
friend nothing special, just worked hard with some site map submission. Don't ask me about googlepage rank :D
Don't worry you will reach the target too
I just found you trough blogcatalog. Really nice website.
If you want to submit your website to msn, google and yahoo.
This will help you!
So take care!
Thks for that info, but I have already submitted my blog to more than 100 search engines including the ones you mentioned.
man u r really going fast gr8 keep the pase
Thks Abbas at least you acknowledged it.
Congratulations! :) Mabrook!
Yeh your blog is great, liked the background pic and over all maintenance. Just visited your new blog, it unbelievably has a professional touch.
Are you a professional blogger?
I mean is blogging one of your income sources?
And yeh Congr3ss 4 making it 2 the t0P :@
Congrate bro.Nice template!
congrats on your page rank. and thanks for leaving a comment on my post. i hesitate to even google my site, it would be too depressing.
thks everyone for encouraging!
I would appreciate a visit at my social blog
Tips and Tricks : WinXP, Internet, Blogger Template Customization, GEC O LevelI hope you guys will find it more interesting than TECfun
very gud best of luck dear!