Palestine was the western end of the Fertile Crescent in which the earliest civilizations flourished. Traces of a Palestinian culture existing before 6500 B.C. have been found. Between 3000 and 2000 B.C., various groups of Semitic peoples came from the northeast and settled in the coastal regions, which became known as Canaan. About the 17th century B.C. the Hyksos came down from the north and passed into Egypt. A few generations later the Hurrians (probably the people referred to in the Bible as the Horites) settled among the Canaanites. In the early 15th century B.C., Egypt conquered and briefly occupied Canaan.
About the 14th century B.C. the Hebrews, Semitic tribes that included the group led by Abraham, began coming into Canaan from the east. Some 200 years later the southern Canaanite coast was settled by a seafaring Indo-European people called the Philistines, from whom Palestine took its name. The northern Canaanite coast became known as Phoenicia.
Israel was a prosperous land, owing to its location on the great trade route from Aram (Syria) and Phoenicia to Arabia and Egypt. Political differences, however, caused the kingdom to be divided about 922 B.C. into Israel in the north and Judah (later Judea) in the south.
Israel fell to the Assyrian Empire in 722–721 B.C. and was renamed Samaria. Judah was conquered by Babylonia in 586. In 538 the entire area became part of the Persian Empire, and 200 years later was conquered by Alexander the Great. After Alexander's death it was divided between the Hellenistic kingdoms of the Ptolemies in Egypt and the Seleucids in Syria.
Independence for Judah was won by the Maccabees in 142 B.C., but the whole region was annexed by Rome in 63 B.C. and was under Roman control during the lifetime of Jesus Christ. A Jewish revolt in 66–70 A.D. ended with the razing of Jerusalem by the Romans. After a second revolt, in 132, Jews were excluded from the city. Although some remained in the region, the Jews largely fled Palestine.
Christians were permitted to make pilgrimages to Jerusalem until the Seljuk Turks made themselves masters of the routes to the Near East in the 11th century. In 1095 Pope Urban II decided that the Holy Land, then held by Egypt, a Muslim country, should be restored to Christian rule and the Turks expelled from the regions leading to it. He aroused fervor for his cause in western Europe, and the First Crusade was launched in 1096. Jerusalem was taken by the Crusaders in 1099 and a Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem organized, with Godfrey of Bouillon as the first ruler.
The kingdom was soon extended to include most of the Palestinian and Syrian coastline. The Muslims, led by the Egyptian sultan Saladin, retook Jerusalem in 1187. During the next century the Latin Kingdom kept the coastal strip and occasionally extended its rule. In 1291, however, Egypt drove out the last of the Crusaders.
Palestine remained under Egyptian rule until Egypt and all its possessions were conquered by the Ottoman Turks in 1516–17. During the next 400 years Palestine existed in a condition of dire neglect and poverty. Some Jews immigrated to Palestine, joining those whose ancestors had remained after the revolt of 132 A.D. Near the end of the 19th century, the Zionist movement was founded. It sought to restore the Jewish state in Palestine.
During World War I, while the British were seizing Palestine from the Turks in late 1917, they issued the Balfour Declaration, pledging their support for a Jewish national home in Palestine. The League of Nations made Palestine a British mandate in 1922.
Heavy Jewish emigration to Palestine and large-scale land acquisition by Jewish settlers took place during the 1920's and 1930's. In 1936 the Arabs revolted against British administration of the mandate, demanding an end to Jewish immigration and calling for the establishment of Arab rule over Palestine. The revolt was put down in 1937. In an attempt to bring peace to the region, the British government in 1939 established a new immigration policy that greatly reduced the influx of Jews.
The revelation after World War II that Nazi Germany had murdered some six million Jews built a feeling among many world leaders that a homeland for the Jews should be established in Palestine, which the Jews considered their ancestral home. In 1947 the United Nations proposed a plan to divide Palestine into Arab and Jewish areas; it was rejected by the Arabs.
When Great Britain ended its mandate over Palestine in 1948, Jewish leaders proclaimed the State of Israel. Following a war over Palestine between the Jews and the Arabs, the region was left divided between Arab-held territory—the West Bank of the Jordan River and the Gaza Strip—and the State of Israel.
Palestine was the western end of the Fertile Crescent in which the earliest civilizations flourished. Traces of a Palestinian culture existing before 6500 B.C. have been found. Between 3000 and 2000 B.C., various groups of Semitic peoples came from the northeast and settled in the coastal regions, which became known as Canaan. About the 17th century B.C. the Hyksos came down from the north and passed into Egypt. A few generations later the Hurrians (probably the people referred to in the Bible as the Horites) settled among the Canaanites. In the early 15th century B.C., Egypt conquered and briefly occupied Canaan.
About the 14th century B.C. the Hebrews, Semitic tribes that included the group led by Abraham, began coming into Canaan from the east. Some 200 years later the southern Canaanite coast was settled by a seafaring Indo-European people called the Philistines, from whom Palestine took its name. The northern Canaanite coast became known as Phoenicia.
Palestine In Biblical Times
The tribe of Hebrews led by Moses came into Canaan from Egypt several hundred years after their kinsmen, and conquered the Canaanites. The Kingdom of Israel was founded by Saul about 1020 B.C. Under David, the second king, the Philistines were conquered, and Jerusalem was made the capital of Israel.Israel was a prosperous land, owing to its location on the great trade route from Aram (Syria) and Phoenicia to Arabia and Egypt. Political differences, however, caused the kingdom to be divided about 922 B.C. into Israel in the north and Judah (later Judea) in the south.
Israel fell to the Assyrian Empire in 722–721 B.C. and was renamed Samaria. Judah was conquered by Babylonia in 586. In 538 the entire area became part of the Persian Empire, and 200 years later was conquered by Alexander the Great. After Alexander's death it was divided between the Hellenistic kingdoms of the Ptolemies in Egypt and the Seleucids in Syria.
Independence for Judah was won by the Maccabees in 142 B.C., but the whole region was annexed by Rome in 63 B.C. and was under Roman control during the lifetime of Jesus Christ. A Jewish revolt in 66–70 A.D. ended with the razing of Jerusalem by the Romans. After a second revolt, in 132, Jews were excluded from the city. Although some remained in the region, the Jews largely fled Palestine.
Palestine In the Muslim World
When the Roman Empire was divided in 395 A.D., Palestine was in the eastern part, which became the Byzantine Empire. The Persians frequently threatened the Holy Land, and in 615 they conquered it. In 628 it was regained by the Byzantine emperor Heraclius, but it fell to the Muslims in 636–40. The region was absorbed into the Arab world, and Jerusalem became an important Muslim city.Christians were permitted to make pilgrimages to Jerusalem until the Seljuk Turks made themselves masters of the routes to the Near East in the 11th century. In 1095 Pope Urban II decided that the Holy Land, then held by Egypt, a Muslim country, should be restored to Christian rule and the Turks expelled from the regions leading to it. He aroused fervor for his cause in western Europe, and the First Crusade was launched in 1096. Jerusalem was taken by the Crusaders in 1099 and a Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem organized, with Godfrey of Bouillon as the first ruler.
The kingdom was soon extended to include most of the Palestinian and Syrian coastline. The Muslims, led by the Egyptian sultan Saladin, retook Jerusalem in 1187. During the next century the Latin Kingdom kept the coastal strip and occasionally extended its rule. In 1291, however, Egypt drove out the last of the Crusaders.
Palestine remained under Egyptian rule until Egypt and all its possessions were conquered by the Ottoman Turks in 1516–17. During the next 400 years Palestine existed in a condition of dire neglect and poverty. Some Jews immigrated to Palestine, joining those whose ancestors had remained after the revolt of 132 A.D. Near the end of the 19th century, the Zionist movement was founded. It sought to restore the Jewish state in Palestine.
During World War I, while the British were seizing Palestine from the Turks in late 1917, they issued the Balfour Declaration, pledging their support for a Jewish national home in Palestine. The League of Nations made Palestine a British mandate in 1922.
Heavy Jewish emigration to Palestine and large-scale land acquisition by Jewish settlers took place during the 1920's and 1930's. In 1936 the Arabs revolted against British administration of the mandate, demanding an end to Jewish immigration and calling for the establishment of Arab rule over Palestine. The revolt was put down in 1937. In an attempt to bring peace to the region, the British government in 1939 established a new immigration policy that greatly reduced the influx of Jews.
The revelation after World War II that Nazi Germany had murdered some six million Jews built a feeling among many world leaders that a homeland for the Jews should be established in Palestine, which the Jews considered their ancestral home. In 1947 the United Nations proposed a plan to divide Palestine into Arab and Jewish areas; it was rejected by the Arabs.
When Great Britain ended its mandate over Palestine in 1948, Jewish leaders proclaimed the State of Israel. Following a war over Palestine between the Jews and the Arabs, the region was left divided between Arab-held territory—the West Bank of the Jordan River and the Gaza Strip—and the State of Israel.
It was a land of Muslims that the blood sucking Jew vampires snatched and torn it into pieces. The blood of poor Palestinians mean nothing to Brutal IDF Zionists. Over 600 Palestinians have been butchered openly and proudly by a handful of Cruel-Jews in front 1.5 Billion Muslims , and we did nothing.................Shame on Us!!!!!! Shame on Arab and Paki Governments, rot in Hell!!!. Allah will held these hypocrite leaders answerable on the Day of Qiyamah.
May the Merciful Lord , Allah, help my innocent Palestinians brothers in Gaza.
I hated Hitler but now I love him, may Allah forgive his soul